Get the Low-Down on RepWarn in this handy free E-book and learn how to protect your most valuable asset.
With the way a lot of big and small important things can eat up your time, monitoring the web to check out every little mention about your brand is one of the tasks that’s fallen by the wayside.
Understandable, but something that should definitely be changed as soon as possible.
Why? Two words: online reviews.
Four out of five potential customers pick the competition over your business after reading even just ONE bad review. That’s eighty percent of customers lost, which equal lost profit, way before they even reach you.
Fortunately, there’s a tool for that! Repwarn is a keyword monitoring software and brand management tool that will make sure your brand has 24 x 7 online reputation protection.
Call me at via the facebook messenger from anywhere in the world – see the facebook page for Global Reputation Management – or send me an email at to learn more about this software and the many ways it can benefit your brand and business.
You and I know that bad reviews can be a great form of publicity. As long as you reach out to the reviewer promptly and show them how professional and helpful you are in getting their issues resolved, you can turn their mind around.
A similar situation happened with Qantas Airlines and a negative reviewer – visit our page to check out the study done and how the company benefited from that bad review.
And for more info on Repwarn and the many advantages it can give your business through online reputation management – and lead generation! – click here:
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